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Hello everyone!!!

And this is another month's status of the game, which won't be much news. Because even Nirin in the picture is not happy and is about to punch me in the face for such a long delay in her update. 

And I can understand her. Why Spring hasn't started off too well for me as a developer. Only the Sim GD update came out. I didn't even have the energy or time to create the pictures. They will be added later.

Also, my plan for the remaining 2 months of Spring is to finally finish the SS2 update, start at least the update and the new attack for GD2 and finally do something for All Sized. Maybe a new enemy like I was planning or some sort of event for Saiza. Because I'm long overdue for a new enemy in other dimensions with even more growth, but I'm stuck here. 

That's what I'm planning. But of course traditionally, it may not happen. Because my plans very often do not get done lately.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more news and updates.

And also don't forget to subscribe to Boosty, if you don't mind. Because it's the only way for me to get your support for now. I hope it's only temporary.

Updates on Patreon will be coming as well. Don't worry about it!

That's definitely the end of it now. Thanks for your support!

And I'll try to get it all done! And in the best way, of course)




<p style="color: #008600;">Well, don't worry! I think Nirin will still be condescending to you and will not punch you in the face)) Best wishes!</p>