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Hi everyone!!! It's the 4th and it's already October!

And while usually in a post like this I talk about plans for the month, this time it's like plans for Autumn.

Because there are a lot of projects and development can take a very long time and sometimes it happens that a month's worth of updates don't come out.

So here's what my plans are.

The main priority, is updates for SS2 and Sim GD. Because they didn't get any time in the summer. 

For SS2, I need to keep creating endings for Karin and Nirin and make them the 4th ending so that their battle though has an ending and then the endings content is added there afterwards.

For SimGD, I still have a lot of work to do. Because I want to open up the City in this game, add some NPCs there and also some characters. Of course, with their personal scenes. So far, I can't guess how much I'll manage to do in a month, but I'll try.

As for the other projects, that will show the future. If I have enough time, I'll update something for GD2 or AllSized. Let's see what it will be.

Well, that's all the news for now. I have now moved to a new place of residence and my workspace has been up and running for a while now! So expect an update in the Autumn!

That's it, I'm off to work!

Thanks for still supporting me!

If I'm doing something wrong or forgetting things, remind me in the comments!



Kevin D Sauls

Glad to have you back congrats on your move and take your time Netral. Love supporting you and your work!