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A little over two days late, but new attack for final battle is ready. In it Mary using her mouth. Also, a word of advice, don't fake the last QTE. Otherwise get a chain of events where both enemies play with you like a leaf in the wind, not forgetting to chew on you). It's impossible to survive after that.

The links, as usual, are same as they are in text file in the game folder. A MEGA link has also been added. It will also be permanent.

Well, I'm going to get to work!

Have fun playing, if the game is still enjoyable for you)

Don't forget to report bugs.

P.S: File "Scripts.rvdata" need for remove scripts MOG_Boss_HP_Meter. Copy thim in folder Data with replace, if game crashed and show errors with mentioning this scripts.
Don't forget say me, if this fix not worked.




Getting an error when I start the battle with mika /mary. Script MOG_Boss_HP_Meter' line 222:noMethodError occured. undefinted method '{}=' for nil: NilClass


Bug fix please


Which bug to fix ? If the one that vermin mentioned above, it is possible that this error occurs when using old saves. It is also possible that the script file may have been deleted during unpacking or be deleted by antivirus. Even before that in another version of the game Chris had the same problem, but it was solved by rescanning the file and turning off antivirus. If that does not help, I will quickly prepare a version without this script.


Rescanning the file and turning off antivirus. But the bug comes back. Please new script.


I added a script file without this script that causes this error. File attached to the post. Let me know if this doesn't work. Copy the file to the Data folder.


Does this version have it's own mega link or do we have to add the script.


Yes, the version without the script. Because this script does not stop working for everyone. Additional script is needed only if the game has an error, which was described above in the comments.


How to play 1920x1080 in fullscreen?


Only if you play in full screen mode (Alt+Enter), but then the picture will be worse.