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Hi, everybody, it's November 4, autumn will soon be over, and everything is just beginning, as usual.)....And it's snowing outside the window. Apparently, Winter does not want to wait her months for it.

Here is the current status of the projects:

Netral GD2: 92%

Hard battle vs Mery and Mika : 2.1%

SS2: 46%

Ending for twins, part 3: 15%

AllSized: 9%

Sim GD: unknown %

Event for sister

Foot Service : 100%

Sniffing Service : 100%

Foot Service GTS: 0%

So, the month passed and as a result I only managed to make updates for GD2 and SimGD. Other projects are still under development. 

Therefore, according to plan, there are no special changes. For GD2, the attacks will continue to come out as usual. SS2 will try to make this third part of ending quicker, which is now unexpectedly voluminous, although it was planned from only one scene ... Now there are many. At the moment the first scenes and the first request are already at the rendering stage, but they still need to be written in the game.

In AllSized I also need to hurry up to finish everything by winter. But there is still a lot of work to do and even work on the fight against the new character has not yet started. So the update will not be soon, but then, as usual, there will be a lot to add.

In SimGD it's already time to move on to GTS events with your sister. And then already move to locations outside the house, where there will be more characters.

Well, the comic book and the video is still in deep development. But it is possible that by the beginning of winter something will be ready.

In general, these are the plans. There is still a lot of work to do. I also thought about reviving the GI (Giantess incident) project, but since this project is old, I will have to start it again, with new pictures on a new MV or MZ engine. But with that plan above, I don't even know when I can start anything. I guess when one of the projects will be finished, but it won't be soon. So working on GI is only in my dreams.)

That's all for today and I ran to work on what I had planned.

P.S: In the picture of the post, this is Karin's sock. It will be in her first scene.




Apparently you have many plans in the future and even have an idea to try with GI ... Well, I think you should think about it.

David Uryus

I agree with your last project and I can't wait for the realization of your jobs. One simple question of SimGD (that is always more interesting): After "Foot service GTS" there is "Sniffing Service GTS" too?


No, there will be other services already. But in principle all scenes from Sniff Service will be in GTS services. For example, the fourth service for GTS, is Butt Service.

David Uryus

Oh perfect! Tnx you very much for the reply.