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Hello, everybody! And this is a new but old GD2 demo.

Here LINK 

But I am in a hurry to disappoint you. There is no new content in the demo, as there is not enough time for its realization because of SS2 delay.

But in this demo I finished the main storyline of part 1 a bit. Now in the game you can know, for example, why the player needs to fight with FT Girl. The demo has a finish in the form of Normal endings. Later the content will be added to it. For example, event when we run away from Aysoka and accidentally come back to it. These and other updates will be reported in some posts.

And while I'm doing these updates, play it again, remember the old events and report bugs that need fixing.

FIX - file - Fixes the crash of the game during some boss attacks when you need to press Z. Game already fix.




Game keeps crashing whenever the events occur where i have to press Z to escape.


unable to find vl gothic font. ?