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Hey, everybody! I'm still alive and well and of course working! What you could see from the results at the moment 2 months. And although I had a little business vacation, it's almost at a slower pace of development.

So what do we have in the end:

Netral GD: vs Mary 

Chapther 1  -  85% 

Location College.

Enemy in college: Frightened student-girl(FT).

FT Easy Attack - 3/3
FT Normal Attack - 3/5
FT Hard Attack - 3/7

FT End - 1/5

So, as you can see, the GD2 project is currently creating an enemy named FT. At the moment, about 35-40% of all animations are complete. This suggests that you may get the full version this month. But that's why I may be late here, but at least you can get its Easy and Normal levels. The enemy will be very comical, but at the same time very dangerous, which for strange reasons will be more afraid of us)

As for the SS2 project, it starts working on another enemy in the school... Yes, in this game only the enemies are being made) Next will be the character who will slap you for bad behavior) Alas, but it should be expected only in October. Since there is a lot of work to do.

As for the additional projects, the situation with them changes imperceptibly. In Sim GD there are both new events and characters, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

Also, I've recently had a little bit of fun working on another project, which is All Sizes. And added a new enemy to it. Why the All Sizes project? Because I'm more relaxed when working on this project) You don't have to do too much brainwork to make good enemies. For example, I managed to create a new enemy in 4 days. Even though I wasn't even working full time.  Now the new character is undergoing the last test and I will show you soon. So who liked this game, be patient a little bit).

I'm done with all this. I'd like to write about Discord's server, but it's more likely to appear this month. But honestly yet there is no time even to create it simply, not to mention about adjustment. But if I said what would happen, it would. You have to scold me somewhere for bad content and delays)

Now I'm sure I've said everything and I've gone on to work.

The pictures will be released as soon as they are ready.

P.S.: In the picture above you see the same girl FT. She is a very frightening creature). I can also say that it is in this format that the battle will take place. However, it is not a fact that the picture will be exactly the same. Perhaps it will be better if I finally figure out how to adjust the lighting in this dense blender.



Kevin D Sauls

Super excited to see all the worm you're doing! Excited for FT yoo with 5 endings huh? Didn't expect that and glad to see we might ar least get a easy and normal mode if hard and the endings take to long! Goodluck and cant wait to fight her