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A little story about how one boy to kindle a large fire in the forest and was punished killed by local spirit-guardian).

Since I was quite busy last month, I had to hurry to make this video. I hope that the video turned out not too bad.

Our favorite YouTube has deleted this video. Probably because the fairy with an age of about 9000 years, looks like a little girl.

In any case, here is the direct link: https://video.fc2.com/ru/a/content/20180418gKwC9vHM/


Guarding Forest

Video of the fact that it is not good to kindle big fires in the forest.


Procrastinator Brad

that poor child, all he wanted to do go camping, and he get burned alive witcher man style


She killed him, suffocating under his ass. She threw the already dead body into the fire. And it can be understood. The bonfire was too big and she was in danger. Only protection, no more.