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So, the new death scene from Mika ready......you probably already see it)

This time in the series(the future) was first used farting. I hope you'll like it. Because now, when the content about the Giant Girls fully understood, to come up with something original is really hard. And even more difficult to create.

Of the minuses can select only one. This video failed to do completely in the third person. I originally wanted it in the third person, but it turned out that some points in the video still had to do the first person. I'm hoping it's not too much will spoil the experience. Just sometimes not very nice work what you want in the result.

Also in this video is very well noticeable visual glitches. As, for example, skin spots or broken lines of this clothing. I don't like it, but to correct this, it is necessary to break the video into frames and edit each. Of course I can edit the model itself, which is used in the video. But experience shows that it's even more difficult job.

I can only say that at a certain stage of development will be allocated a lot of time to edit all these visual glitches. Perhaps it will be before the release of the first version of the game.

Well, I went to work on) Thanks for attention)


Suffering smell from Mika

The second death in Netral GD 2. This time Mick torturing you with the smell of her armpits and her gas)



Death very nice thank netral and it's really a good job 😁


Thinking of original attacks is fine really, but having variations of the same attack on different girls isn't a bad thing either. I'm not a large fan of the whole fart thing.. The giantess fetish alone is already odd enough, but I have NO idea how farting could ever be... arousing really. I encourage you to be creative myself, but you don't HAVE to think of something super unique and new every time. I have found most of your ideas so far for Netral GD future series to be great. I honestly believe you will figure it out by the final release the many unique attacks you will come up with will be interesting. You did it before, you can do it again, and dont be afraid to reuse something! if it ain't broke, don't fix it!


I like this attack very much! I want more!