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Month May passed and it's time to tell if I worked all this time.This time the development has become a bit more versatile. Because at first I wanted to do some starting events, and then changed my mind and started making new battles.

As a result, this is the current status of the projects.

Netral GD: Vs Mary

Chapther 1  -  34% 

Location  -  100%

1st Enemy  -  50%  

Others Enemy - 10%

1st cutscene -  100%

2st cutscene -  100%

Mika Normal level:  6/9 attack

As you can see, the result is not the best, but already noticeable in terms of progress. In June, most likely there will be new demos.

Also in the status were added data on how many attacks left to do for the new enemy. In the future such information will often appear to keep you informed of developments.

Now, so that you do not wait a whole month, I will sometimes post the material in the form of pictures or video (if the attack is ready). So you will see the coveted content and not wait for a long time)

I, like a fetishist, understand what it is, when for 4 or 5 months you wait and wait. And then you rush like hungry for the received content)

Of course not all people are) But the feeling of waiting is unpleasant for everyone.

Therefore, I will try sometimes to show something. As it was in two posts on the 3rd of June.

Well, I went to work, so that in June there was a demo at least one of the games)




yeah It is very hard to wait, it is true but must make it for a good reason


and more we waits is best will be the reward ^^

Kevin D Sauls

Great to hear makes it worth being a Patron!

David Uryus

You are the great *_*