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Hey guys this is somewhat of an important update. More of an introspective. I want to talk about what's been going through my mind lately regarding my work. Both the good and the not-so-great.

TL;DR - Bun Bash may become a full-fledged comic series, which means my other projects may be put on hiatus for a while (However, I urge you to read this update anyway for context)   

As you all know, I am pretty much juggling three comic projects at the same time, and I periodically jump between them, that being The Dandy Demon, Stacy and Company, and most recently, Bun Bash... All 3 of which are very different stories that I feel appeal to very different audiences. My passion for any given comic waxes and wanes, and I've sorta initiated my projects in the heat of the moment. One month I feel like working on DD; other months, I feel like working on StacyCo. And I understand that may be frustrating for some people who are here exclusively for one or the other.

The reality is, I'm trying to do the work of an entire Studio, and I've been spreading myself thin. I would hire assistants to keep comics I'm not working on going while I focus on the projects that I'm interested in, but that's just not in my budget. I'm one guy with finite motivation. 

But don't get it twisted. Currently my motivation is at an all-time high!

As I am currently working on this Bun Bash comic, it has caused a chain reaction of ideas that I'm growing more and more excited for, and while I wanted this to remain a one-shot, I found myself writing an entire arc, and I'm very inclined to explore it. I want to do more worldbuilding for this. Draw more action (and more action [wink wink]). This comic has everything I enjoy out of my favorite media and my passion for this is ever-growing. 

That said, this means my focus on my content may shift. This has always been the case for this Patreon. I understand that not everyone is into everything that I make, and it's no skin off my back when people leave because I'm not making what they want. The reality is this is my art and my stories to tell. It means a lot that people are so passionate about my stories and want to see them to the end, but at the same time, if I keep trying to juggle projects that I might not be motivated to work on, I'm going to stretch myself thin and fizzle out. 

So for the sake of transparency, I wanted to make this post to tell you guys what to expect in the future. For once in my 6-year career, I want to focus all of my energy on one passion project, and I want to see it to the end (at least to a point)! Bun Bash, at this rate, is looking to be a lot more than I anticipated, and I want to plan more for it. This will mean my other projects will be put on hiatus for a while. I will return to them in due time. And hopefully with this new approach to projects, I will use it to give my other projects the same amount of love as I've been giving this one in the future.

Thank you for reading if you did, and all the love and support that I've received so far. I hope you all stick around for what I have planned! And if you don't, well I'll see you later! 🧡



That's a tough one! I think completion of a project is more important than variety. At least from a work perspective. I'll for sure miss your other projects for now. I'm glad this project has you excited! Do the thing! Overcome the challenges! I will give this new project my full attention.


I'm just here to visually gobble up everything you put out - I'm loving all these new ideas, so keep it comin'! (A lot of these ideas are gonna make for some really good animation one day~! 🤩)


Keep doing what you love dude