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Hey guys! It's about time I made a little update! To put it nicely, June...did not go the way I wanted. My plans were to start on my summer comic and be done with it by July, but life smacked me like a bullet train. 

Around June 6th, I made the stupid decision of looking at WebMD when I was feeling a little shitty. For a week, I couldn't sleep due to the anxiety of probably having a cardiovascular disease that I definitely didn't have. Stress made it hard to breathe, and I'm usually really good about stress management! I walked into the clinic to see about the underlying disease that I didn't have. And their solution was giving me a drug that fucked me up for another week. I couldn't even get out of bed, let alone operate machinery. I had insomnia, anxiety, dizziness and eventually I had a heart attack... I mean a panic attack. I thought I was having a heart attack and went to the ER only to find out that I was just experiencing another side effect. The week after, I went to my doctor just to talk and get some answers and then the week after I got my Vaccine, so that fucked me up some more. And now we're here. 

Still trying to find my footing again. It's been hard, but I'm trying to get back into it a bit at a time. Coming July, I'm gonna get started on my projects! Thank you all for sticking with me! There will be more to come!  



Please get better soon💯❤️


Damn that sucks well I hope you get better

Dr Awde

Sorry to hear about that, take all the time you need to recover and get things straight. Health is always the top priority


I know how that is trust me. I've actually had 3 HA's and I'm 23 so you get yourself better before you worry about others

Rick Francis K

hypochondria is such a bitch, I feel you. I almost fainted after receiving Astrazeneca jab


Oh my god,take all the time you need. Hope you get better


Yeah man, June has been a bitch for me as well. But I only hope that it gets better as the months go along! To the squish master! Lol