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As we kick off the new month I am excited to bring to everyone more kick ass content. Last month we hit a new high of Patrons and as Keanu Reeve's once said, "your breathtaking." You are probably tired of me saying that but I can't fathom how awesome you guys are. I really appreciate the love and support.

The actual update:

-Direct Scene and Card Commission Tier currently has 3 slots open so grab while you can!

-New tier coming 8/8!!

The New Tier

The new tier, priced at $25, is the little brother of the Direct Scene and Card commission tier. Want to be a Patron and get your card commissioned? You can! I have been getting a lot of messages about card commissions so I figured opening this tier would be great for Patrons. It has all the benefits of the Waifu Galaxy tier with a direct card commission for the month. If you want in, 5 slots will open up starting 8/8!


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