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Well, this is the end of the first part of this comic. Thank you very much to everyone who kept up with the updates. Now I will start writing the script for part 2, which will be the end of this story.

I will have news for you very soon. Meanwhile we're hiatus, we will do some weekly dynamics. Thanks again and stay tuned.


Bien, este es el fin de la primera parte de este comic. Muchas gracias a todos los que estuvieron al tanto de sus actualizaciones. Ahora comenzaré a escribir el guion de la parte 2, la cual será el final de esta historia.

Muy pronto les tendre noticias. Mientras tanto, para sobrellevar el hiatus, haremos algunas dinamicas semanales. Gracias de nuevo y esten pendientes.




Oh, no.


Sam is pregnant.


Dear god…


I knew it.


gracias javi


OH, GOD! Well It was too obvious this was gonna happen after she forced Lincoln to do what they did, now Sam's facing the terrible consequences. Anyway, amazing and shocking final XD.


Can't wait for the part number 2!


What will happen next? Continued in Part 2


And thus Part I ends, and it concludes on a dire question and a VERY stressful situation. I can only imagine how the truth is going to come out. My guess is that it's impact will be as heavy as a bomb.


Things are gonna get worse before they can get better. Let's hope this story will have a happy ending in the end. Until then, see you all in Part 2.

LeAnthony Beavers

I thought they did sex multiple times before she was pregnant

LeAnthony Beavers

Hope you at least draw the comic of them doing it


Looking forward to part 2 man keep us posted 😁


Me acabo de deprimir


I Think We Can Tell Who This Story Is Really Meant For. But Javi It Has Been An Honor For Me, To Be One Of The First Patrons Who Supported Not Just Your Comic The Whole Way Through, But Also You. :D I Know The Story Isn't Done, But We Can At Least Do This: It's (Not) Your Fault: Part 1 (April 22nd, 2019 - January 22nd, 2022) I Can Tell Though, That Part 2 Is Going To Be Rather...Traumatizing.


Well Lina is going to be freaking out with emotions, since this is the story Lucy is telling her.


This was quite the ride, and I have no doubts in my mind that part 2 of this story is going to be even more intense and epic than I can imagine.


Oh boy, part two here we come


Still new here as I only discovered your work very recently while searching Loud House stuff. I have to say this is one of the better if not the best darker or more adult oriented spins on a show like this that I've seen. When I first found your stuff it was page 72 that came up. I decided to go back and read through everything up to page 117 that I could see at the time. It legitimately bothered me wanting to know what was coming up next so I check this patreon, and I'm glad I did. Just the right balance of grit without going overboard. You're one of now only 4 others doing fan-fiction that have ever hooked me to that degree. This could easily be made into a more adult viewer minded movie if they ever wanted to go that route. After the absolute crap show they've all been through I hope it turns out happy in the end for the family. Luna and the family deserve peace, and Lina deserves to know her aunt. Luna has already missed out on the first 11 years of her niece's life at this point, and Lina has missed out on not knowing one of her aunts, and the family gone 11 years without one of their own in the picture. Hopefully they don't miss out on anymore. Also hope Rusty pays heavily for the absolute anguish he's caused everyone. Gonna be a little greedy for a minute and hope it doesn't take us another 2 years to find out how this ends, but I also understand it takes time to do certain things. Still very well done.


Lincoln didn't mention he had sex with Sam in the previous chapter. They only kiss each other and that it.


A hell of a way to end Part 1. I eagerly await Part 2.


Bueno el "como pudimos" está de más xq Sam hizo todo el trabajo y Lincoln, hasta donde vimos, no tuvo mucha participación más que quedarse quieto


Can’t wait for part 2. Can’t wait to see how will Lincoln and Sam handle Lina and how to explain to the Loud family.


I wish you well in the hiatus. You deserve all the rest you need.


Sam what have you done!?


You know when I first saw this comic and the first few pages I though It was going to be about Luna somehow fucking up her relationship with Sam and Lincoln helping Sam and eventually the 2 fallling in love. But now I am impressed, so Obviously they did have and raise Lina eventually but this means Licoln ended up marrying his rapists. So yeah very dark it seems Sam is trully sorry but still it seems like it would be an unhealty relationship since Sam hurt Lincoln so much. At least it seems they did manage to raise Lina good since she seems pretty ok in the present of the story. Still I really want to know how Lincoln reacts to the news of Sam's pregnancy and how will he interact with her after the rape and how could he be fine to be with her after she raped him. I will anxiously wait for the next chapter. Really good comic.


why couldnt thundersteam just finish his comic?


And this is why no one should do any heavy drinking. It makes you do things you'll regret. But I'm looking forward to part 2, plus I'm new to the patreon scene.


Any news as to when the series might start back up? Subbed to the patreon and it would be cool to stay informed.


Should I... Guess what is going to happen next in this comic?


When will part 2 start the story is getting amazing I'm loving it


I'm so excited looking forward to the new part 2 soon

smoked the joker

She just committed a crime, I mean yeah we knew they were going to have a daughter together but I never thought so soon