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Knew Lisa was gonna Help!

Julio vargas

Now time for rusty to pay up 👀


Raise your hand if you want to join the Rusty Riot☠️🤚


Is It Just Me, Or Does Sam Look Very Masculine?


Glad to hear the photo was confirmed to be fake. I had a feeling Lisa would play a part. But what now? How will everyone react to knowing the photo was fake? And will it help with anything after so much pain had been caused?


He is gonna have some serious hell to pay once they find out


Well the good news is that, both of their names have been cleared. The bad news, will it help their situation? Because after this madness, no relationship between Lincoln, Sam and Luna will not be the same after this? Worth the wait, once again, keep up the good work Javi. Show of hands, whose ready for Rusty to pay the price for this despicable act?


I don't know man. I mean I see this as a situation as a man getting accused of rape, but after his name is cleared, people will still look at him like he's a monster. Unfortunately, people will still have their guilty verdicts of someone innocent.


It's a good thing that their names were cleared, but I have a feeling that something else is coming


In the middle of the storm good news arrive, but for now....let's see Lincoln and Sam 's relatives and everyone's reaction when they realize about what Sam did to him and that she' ll be pregnant. Anyway, I hope Rusty pays for having made their lives miserable for a while.


Rusty must pay...


Rusty is gonna get his ass kicked lol


Sadly, even though the truth is out, the damage is done.


Mission accomplished, but sadly... too late.


En estos momentos la historia está en el ojo de un huracán hay una cierta calma antes de volver a la tempestad.


Esto seria muy bueno, pero desafortunadamente el daño ya esta hecho para Lincoln, Sam y Luna.


Too little too late!


Judging by the last line they aren’t gonna have their names cleared, probably think Lisa lied to clear her brothers name.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-10 18:32:00 No!!! Cuando la tormenta iba calmarse... </3
2022-01-08 09:43:39 No!!! Cuando la tormenta iba calmarse... </3

No!!! Cuando la tormenta iba calmarse... </3


Bueno... me capturaste. Encontré tu trabajo en internet y sin ninguna duda decidí volverme tu patreon, tan pronto como tuve acceso me arrojé a leer toda la historia y menudo regalo de día de reyes nos has dejado, faltan pocas páginas para terminar el primer tomo, la primer temporada y he vivido una montaña rusa de emociones, estoy encantado con tu trabajo, tu maestría en estilo de escritura, narrativa, comic y dibujo, ahora empieza lo difícil esperar pacientemente a la llegada de cada nueva página y después vendrá la segunda temporada (espero) cosa que te digo sin el afan de generar presión sin embargo tu trabajo me ha embelesado y estaré más que feliz de que sigas adelante, yo no tengo problema en que en ocasiones hayan retrasos, es lo normal en cualquier producción Javi, cuida tu salud y espero puedas atender tus compromisos con la mejor calma, felicidades por tener un proyecto tan longevo y feliz año nuevo, un placer tener este 2022 con tu historia.