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Family reunion.




In A Moment, Someone Is Going To Walk Through That Front Door.


Faltan las opiniones de Leni, Lucy, Lana y Lisa. Algo muy malo está a punto de hacer Sam. Cómo dice Homero "Esto se va a poner feo...."


Good God, Sam is MISSING?! Rusty, what have you done? Beautiful job communicating the tension and emotional stress, Javi. The expressions match the dialogue perfectly.


Sam ran away. Hope she's ok. Is Lincoln gonna run away?


I bet Lincoln is going to overhear, everything accept the fake truth, and protect Sam. Let's just hope I got that right


Thankfully we know Sam will be okay, just ready for the big event to happen already.


This is one heck of a family reunion. This page is really well drawn! I'm looking forward to the next page.


Looks like Sam has gone underground, can't blame her though. Their acting she is public enemy number 1. At this rate, she's better off keeping her head down and better off without Luna, since Luna refuses to listen to reason. Lets hope the sisters don't jump the gun before they actually hear out both Sam and Lincoln. Also to be fair, Lincoln and Sam are both kids.


I hate to be that guy, but can we address on how Lori is flat on this page? XD


La personalidad y reacción de Lori y Lola <3 10/10 UwU Dios es comediante hermanos, mientras leo está página en mi playlist suena: Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name