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I like the way Sam's hair looks when it's wet.

By the way the discord server will be ready tomorrow :3


Me gusta la forma en la que se ve el cabello de Sam cuando esta mojado.

Por cierto, el server de discord estara listo para mañana :3 




I Take It This Is The Turning Point.


Gotta say, Lincoln is being more of a true friend then Luna. I can only imagine how this relationship would develop from here. And Luna might get on Lincoln’s case just for being a friend to Sam. That jealousy is really gonna tear the relationship apart.


Puedo imaginar que algo se detonará apartir delas siguentes páginas pero no sé con exactitud que será, excelente cómic!

Eric MikaFan C

Oh boy, the suspense is killing me when are they going to kiss!?

LeAnthony Beavers

A naked girl in a shower and a boy alone in the house means something right?