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Oh my... Luna why? Run Mazzy run!

By the way, in the next page we will see again Lincoln and Stella ;3


Oh vaya... ¿Por qué Luna? ¡Corre Mazzy corre!

Por cierto, en la siguiente página volveremos a ver a Lincoln y a Stella ;3




This is getting heavy


Aw Man, Now We Gotta See How Stella Screws Over Lincoln. :(

Fallen Warrior

I think from the previous pages, Rusty will be the one who screws over Lincoln, and make Stella broke up with him.


Awesome, we will get to see Lincoln and Stella next week. Let's hope Luna can make up with Sam before she ends up hating her for that low blow Luna did.


Pues asumo que lo estúpido que hará será meterse con Lincoln. Ahora solo quedaría pendiente saber xq Lincoln lo hará con Sam

LeAnthony Beavers

There are some lines you shouldn't cross.


Algo estúpido?! Por favaaar!!! Cuéntenme el deep lore de Sam y su regla