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English Version (La version en español esta abajo)

Hi everyone. I hope you all are fine. A new month has arrived and there are several news that I want to share with you. First of all thank you very much for your support month after month. Also to the new patreons I want to thank you for the opportunity.

Well, now let's move on to what matters. As I said there are several news and most are good.

The first and most important is that gold and silver patreons will no longer have to wait until the end of the month to receive your requests. Now I will start working on them from the moment you send me your message with all the details. Everything else stays the same, you have from the first to the last day of the month to ask me for your respective request.

The second news is that from July on, during the second and fourth week of each month, there will be two additional polls. Let me explain what are they about:

Bronze, silver and gold patreons can participate. In these new polls, each person can suggest a character from a series (Only cartoons). Likewise, that person will have to suggest the outfit he/she wants that character to wear. For example:

"I want Lori Loud wearing a maid outfit"


"I want Sid Chang wearing a bikini"

You can put a link if you want a specific outfit or even if you choose a casual outfit. (NSFW is allowed)

These polls will have the same system as the previous one. Only the first 5 suggestions will go to a second poll where I will put them to the vote and the one with the most votes will win.

Almost any cartoon series can participate. If I have problems with any particular suggestion, I will let the person know.

And the last and not so nice news is that this week I will not be able to upload a new page of the comic since I will have to be absent from Thursday to Sunday. But, as veterans will already know. Next week I will upload double page so there won't be delays.

Well, those were the news. Thanks for your support again and remember that silver and gold patreons can already ask for their requests in the inbox.

By the way... I'm considering opening a platinum pledge. In which you can ask for a 5 panels comic strip. (NSFW is allowed) ;)


Versión en español

Hola a todos. Espero que se encuentren bien. Un nuevo mes ha llegado y hay varias noticias que quiero compartir con ustedes. Antes que nada muchas gracias por su apoyo mes con mes. Tambien a los nuevos patreons quiero agradecerles la oportunidad. 

Bueno, ahora pasemos a lo que importa. Como dije hay varias noticias y la mayoría son buenas. 

La primera y mas importante es que los patreons de oro y plata, ya no van a tener que esperar hasta el final de mes para recibir sus request. Ahora comenzaré a trabajar en ellas desde el momento en el que ustedes me manden su mensaje con todos los detalles. Todo lo demas se mantiene igual. Tienen del primero hasta el ultimo día del mes para pedirme sus respectivas request. 

La segunda noticia es que a partir de Julio, durante la segunda y cuarta semana de cada mes, habrán dos encuestas adicionales. Dejenme exlicarles de que se trata:

Los patreons de bronze, plata y oro pueden participar. En estas nuevas encuestas cada persona puede sugerir algun personaje de alguna serie (Solo cartoons). Así mismo, esa persona tendrá sugerir el atuendo que quiere que ese personaje use. Por ejemplo:

"Quiero a Lori Loud usando un traje de sirvienta"


"Quiero a Sid Chang usando un bikini"

Pueden colocar un link si quieren algun atuendo en especifico o incluso si eligen un conjunto de ropa casual. (NSFW esta permitido)

Esta encuesta tendrá el mismo sistema que la anterior. Solo las primeras 5 sugerencias pasaran a una segunda encuesta en donde las pondre a votacion y aquella con el mayor numero de votos ganará.

Casi cualquier serie cartoon puede participar. Si tengo problemas con alguna sugerencia en particular se lo haré saber a la persona.

Y la última y no tan agradable noticia es que esta semana no podré subir una nueva página del comic ya que estaré ausente de jueves a domingo. Pero, como sabrán ya los veteranos. La próxima semana subiré doble página para que no haya retrasos. 

Bueno, esos fueron los anuncios. Gracias por su apoyo nuevamente y recuerden que los patreons de plata y oro ya pueden dejarme sus request en la bandeja de entrada.

Por cierto, estoy considerando abrir una pledge de platino. En la cual podrán pedir la tira de un comic de hasta 5 paneles. (NSFW esta permitido) ;)



Wooh! Yes!! Do the platunum pledge!! I will support you 1000%


1. You Are Very Welcome! You've Always Been My Favorite LH Artist! 2. SWEET!!! 3. Now That Sounds Exciting! 4. Well, It's 4th Of July Weekend, Which I'm Sure Anyone Can Understand. :) Also, My Ideas For The Platinum Pledge: $30, Up To 3 Characters, Same Rewards From Bronze, Silver, & Gold, And Also, Since I Saw You Stopped Doing This For Gold, How About You Do This For Platinum Only, Early Sketchs Of Art, & From Sketch Yo The Final Image Of Our Request. Thx For Reading This, & Continue To Keep Doing What You're Doing In Life! :)