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Hello everyone. I hope you all are doing well. It's been a while. I apologize for my sudden absence and for not posting anything for some time now.  I'm not sure where to begin even as I type these words. I've never been one to really to open up about stuff but I believe an explanation is deserved.

A few weeks ago or more for a while now I suppose, my depression had brought me to a an extreme low point. I'm not proud to say it but after contemplating I attempted to end my life. Since I'm typing these words it means that it failed. I have been recovering since. I was tired of dealing with everything from my anxiety, depression, trauma, and failures. I apologize to you guys for failing as an artist and creator. I have tried my best to make good work but I felt that it was not enough. I thank you for the kindness and support you all  have given me these couple of years. It has meant a lot to me and I apologize if I don't show it.

I do plan on trying back to drawing soon but I'm still trying to figure things out I guess while recovering. But I do understand if you most or all of you decide to leave. I'm going to go lay back down. Once again I'm sorry for everything and I hope you guys take care.




This whole life thing fucking sucks sometimes but it never stays that way. I’m just a stranger on the internet but I’m glad you’re alive and haven’t lost the fight. It sounds like you’ve hit your bottom, so it can only go up from here. As cliche as that sounds, I hope you can be kind to yourself and take it one day at a time. Always keep moving forward.

Ivan Tejeda

Bro just stop drawing, you don’t have to rush to comeback. We all have been here for so long because we love your art. There’s no way your art is not good enough if time and time again he like and comment on all your pics. We are huge fans of yours and huge supporters and pray you are healthy. Take your time and comeback when you are ready. All love.


Simply prioritize yourself for now, we stick around for both your art and you, you haven't let us down and we won't blame you for taking a hiatus


Take your time cold, the audience may thin out but there will always be an audience. We’ll be here waiting for the next update; good or bad


Please take all the time you need to recover cold!

Edgar Valverde

Take your time my dude. Your best artist 💯💯

Nick Nub

First of all Cold I am so glad you are still here with all of us and that you are ok. I just want to say that personally for me you are my favorite artist and every piece of artwork you would come out with was always great to see. So for me I would say you are not a failure as an artisr, far far from it. Just know that we are all here with you supporting you, and if you ever need help or aomeone to talk to we're here. Take whatever time you need Cold. Have a good one man.


I won't be leaving, and I doubt many others will either. You're a great artist and I'm so glad you're still here. 🖤


YOU HAVE NEVER FAILED US 💯💯💯 Get well soon ❤️


Man you see that all of us support you it's not for the art alone it's also for you man take every ounce of time you need I'm just glad you're alive

Nicholas Hernandez

You never really fail until you choose to give up so don’t and here’s a little funny fact you were born a winner because you were the fastest sperm 🎊🙌


You're not alone. I struggle too, I know the pain of anxiety and depression, and I know you need to take all the time you need. You haven't failed, and we'll be here hoping for the best for you. Take care of yourself.


to your health first mate


Ain’t goin anywhere


Mental health should always come first. I’d rather have my artist take a break then for some horrible to happen to you.

Benjamin Nall

I’ve been in a similar predicament like you in terms of suicide, and all I can say, is that talking about the problem you have with people you trust will help you tons. Talking about your problems helps make it seem more to scale in size then if you hold it in your head for months, allow me to seem more then it actually is. Be careful with who you tell about all this, though. Some people might take it the wrong way and have you institutionalized. It almost happened to me.


Life is hard. I get that. Glad you shared this with us. We aren't perfect, we're not machines, we're human. Take your time, we'll see you around. Just take it one step at a time, don't try to leap, you'll often find it harder to get through life that way.


Coming from what will seem like a stranger online, depression is a slow and constant fight, or at least it'll feel like it's never ending. It's not. It won't be easy, but it'll get easier with experience. Hopefully at your lowest you can remember those that care for you. I hope you stay safe and well. Rest well and take some time for yourself. Phat cheeks can wait, you come first


I’m sorry to hear about everything going on with you. I hope you can find a middle ground and find peace. You’re art is badass. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.