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The ETFs have been on fire. 

Another new Stat I heard of from Simon Dixon - put out a figure yesterday of a $300 delta for every 100M in inflows. Similar to my $1459 per every $500M!

The Q is can this pace continue.  Money flow can remain constant I reckon as long as price continues to go up, but that will drive price of BTC up so we will not see the same crazy outflow of BTC6000 to BTC 10,000 a day  




As more money comes in the multiple should get larger as the float becomes thinner. Giddy up


Amigo time for a break😃 and glass of 🍷 Cheers 🍷😃🎶


Can the inflow be constant? If price goes up to a certain point, won't it become too expensive to buy?


is there a penetration statistic? how many people own gold, etf, btc of population?


There is still the rest of the world to buy BTC. No access to ETF in UK, Hong Kong doesn't start until after the halving.


Thank you James. Your formulas are both in synchronisation.


Let's say I'm not late to the game please, Give Me Your 3 recommendations beyond Tesla, CLSK, and ARKB that I already purchased... I am investing in stocks for non-leverage crypto proxies. Should my main consideration be the tax consequences of non-capital gains only taking profits after a year, like a set and forgetting or I could DCA within the initial portfolio for a greater delta and pay the higher tax? Your additional 3 proxies are?


Why did you not Total the ETF's so we can see the net inflow/outflow?