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Summary of InvestAnswer's Posts

Date: 9 February 2023  - 11 February 2024 📈

Thanks Josh "Short one today team, I'm on the road!"

Tesla Cybertruck:

IA once again explored the interior of the Cybertruck and came away impressed. He described it as clean, solid, and luxurious, with a sound system that surpassed expectations. As he says it is "a $100K Soundsystem that comes with a bullet proof truck"

Solana Price Action:

IA observes that SOL's current price action appears to be reaching a short term peak near 118 level. 

IA SOL Price Prediction:

IA predicts that SOL will easily reach 250-350 during this cycle.


IA updates his SOLALT portfolio, which now comprises nearly 15% of his SOL holdings, up from 4.7%, driven by impressive performance across many assets.

New ALT:

IA continues to seek out new altcoins with the potential for significant growth, aiming for gains of 5-10x during this cycle.  They are risky but you only need one to make a difference. 

A few of his SOLALTs have already done very well and skewed his allocations.  Again 8-10 bets, you only need 1 10x to make a profitable portfolio. $NOS and $FLUXB have done very well so far. 

Bitcoin Recent Rise:

BTC has experienced a notable 23% increase in value over the past 17 days.  ETF Flows are the cause. 


Instead of purchasing BTC below 50k, IA suggests a safer approach with proxies. He cites the example of CLSK, which he acquired two weeks ago and saw more than double returns. While acknowledging the higher risk associated with proxies, IA believes oversold ones can offer a relatively safer alternative.


Gold ETF flows are getting hit hard ever since the Bitcoin ETF launch


The FTSE in the UK has been flat for 20 years.  I shudder to think what it would look like if i divided by GBP Money Supply Growth.  UK Real Estate showing a few cracks to boot! 



Do we really see sol hitting 350? Damn I’d love that, but I can’t see us getting past 200-220. I hope to be proven wrong


"I shudder to think what it would look like if i divided by GBP Money Supply Growth." ~ X'D~ ERROR: Divide by ZERO. *PROGRAM CRASH* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Little lengthy but it's been on my mind. A Thought: (Long term) I have this total 90's deja vu feeling but to levels never imagined. Once there was AOL, Compuserve and Prodigy... The Big dominant player who could never be dethroned (AOL/ETH) and then along comes an upstart who can do it faster, quicker and cheaper but may not be as stable... =') (Compuserve/SOL) and then a 3rd competitor trying to blend the concept of both with something new... (Prodigy/AVAX) ... And I guess my point is: None of them ultimately survived. ~ The battle of the 3 for users and fees "CREATED" something Else. Something that became even "bigger" than the sum of all the individual parts. I wonder as we head into ETH/SOL/etc. ETF territory; if this "transition" to a new tech-information level will make the 90's look like horse and buggy days. Maybe a successful Celestia bridge or something to that effect makes us look at fundamental blockchain problems in a completely different way? - (disclaimer: Love and hold JUP. DEX's could be fundamentally disruptive/transformative to society as a whole. But this inter-chain dependency bridging has to go... IMO.) x'D~ Conclusion... Guess it's a Question 2Myself: Are we witnessing/investing-in the birth of the biggest change this planet has seen in the last 100+ years right before our eyes? =) *INCLUDING TESLA!!!* =) ... & If so that's.... Beyond EPIC! & PRETTY DAMN COOL!!!!!! x'D~