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Stock to flows of varying assets

For those that do not understand Bitcoin - this will help them get it. 

Note Real Estate Stock to flow is about 110 years. 

The stock-to-flow (S2F) model works because it fundamentally measures scarcity by comparing the existing supply of an asset (stock) to its annual production (flow). A higher S2F ratio indicates that an asset is scarcer, assuming demand remains constant or increases, which could lead to a higher value of the asset over time. This model is particularly effective in understanding the value dynamics of commodities with limited supply, such as precious metals and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The predictive power of the S2F model stems from its ability to quantify scarcity in a way that is straightforward and directly related to an asset's perceived value and market price, making it a valuable tool for investors assessing long-term value propositions.




Not sure why I’m feeling so much anxiety. Should be ecstatic but my gut is telling me if it looks too good to be true… well you know… 🤷‍♂️


Don't worry - you are NOT alone. Just remember - timing the market - specially for BTC is not something we have to venture on. Key here is to watch where it's moving to - and have a plan to sell on phases some of it - post halving and HODLING rest or as you see fit. Everyone's goals are different. Taking some profit to help you accomplish a financial goal - is OK.


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