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My Goals are not your goals

This is NOT Financial Advice

I decided to take a little off the top

I sold some March Calls 30 days out - $600 Strike for $44 against 1/3rd of my MSTR position.  I get the feeling there is a gamma squeeze going on. 

These are nearly $30 out of the money and I collected $44 - if BTC goes bonkers I will roll up the position at $644.  MSTR price at the time was $577 at the time. 

Breakeven is $644 within 30 days. 

PS instead of swapping to BTC I sell Options - easier for me but it is the way I use ARB Cloud. 

PPS BTC could go to the moon over the next 30 days - we do not know

PPPS IADSS was also about to flash a sell and the trend was going to turn 




Would swapping a BTC ETF with MSTR also work with this Arb Cloud strategy?


Phew, first time I’ve seen you get smoked…