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The chart compares the price of Bitcoin in AUD, average Australian house prices in both AUD and Bitcoin, and the value of an investment in the ASX200 index in AUD and Bitcoin.

  • Bitcoin Price in AUD (Black Line): The black line shows Bitcoin's price in AUD on a logarithmic scale, which helps display its large price range.
  • Average House Price in AUD (Green Line): The green line tracks the steady rise in average house prices in Australia, in AUD.
  • Average House Price in BTC (Red Shaded Area): The red area shows how the average house price, when converted to Bitcoin, has generally decreased over time, indicating that you'd need fewer bitcoins to buy a house now than in the past.
  • 100x Shares of ASX200 in AUD and BTC (Cyan and Red Lines): The cyan line shows the value of 100 shares of the ASX200 index in AUD, which has increased. The flat red line at the bottom indicates this value in Bitcoin hasn't grown much, suggesting Bitcoin has outpaced the ASX200 in growth.

Overall, the chart illustrates Bitcoin's growing purchasing power, especially when compared to average house prices and stock market returns in Australia.

Put another way - The end result could be the absolute decimation of the AUD (and all FIAT) as the government inevitably prints it to backstop the system which is very RE dependent. Bitcoin consistently outpaces the inflation rate of Aussie housing, and outperforms stonks on a nominal and risk adjusted basis. 

This is not isolated to Australia, it is happening all over the world. 

Hat tip to Sanjay for the chart




James need to as do you think whenever we get back some of our crypto from Celsius that we should take some on that and place it in Solana to hopefully at full bull market get back everything we have lost like compare BTC or just leave it in BTC or ETH. Just thinking 🤔 about how to make my self whole by climbing in a faster horse then buy back BTC in the bear market


Thanks James and Sanjay for the Australian content. I'm pleased to get an insight into btc in comparison to the ASX and housing market. Much appreciated.