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Bitcoin mining difficulty reaches unprecedented levels with a record-setting 7.3% increase, making it the most challenging period to mine Bitcoin ever. The question on everyone's mind is whether the Bitcoin price will mirror the surging hash rate. 

Miners have reaped significant profits since November, thanks to the substantial price increases pre and post the launch of Bitcoin ETFs, coupled with a spike in demand for transaction processing that has sent transaction fees soaring. However, as the mining landscape toughens with an impending difficulty adjustment in just over a week, we may see the less efficient miners, who have been coasting on these profitable conditions for several months, begin to drop off the network.




I keep reading/hearing about miners renewing their machines, increasing their hash rate, investing millions and millions in their businesses. Clearly, they do not think they're going out of business. Are they dumber about mining BTC than the lot of us here (no offense meant to anyone)? I would surmise they are NOT. But you never know. From my past experience, next to impossible to accurately predict this space.


What are we expecting for CLSK with its Q1 results?


Have you invested in BTC? If you have then have you thought about what would happen if miners went out of business and stopped mining?


next 1-4 months outlook and price target for CLSK?