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Some people have asked why I do not share near protocol daily active users on some of my reports. The reason is all of the daily active users on near protocol literally 99% of them are on this app - that's it. 

The App is Kai-Ching

1 App Does Not a Chain Make :D 





While it may be true that all NEAR users are using one game, it seems unfair to penalise them unless you are sure that all other chains don't also have substantial numbers of users simply playing games. This is called 'cherry picking'.


James, can you explain in a little more detail why are you so heavy on FluxB? I also have a position because of your promotion of that project, but I don't get it. Thank you.


Quite a bit of SOL traffic is also generated by game players, unless you play the games you would never know hold much you go to the blockchain for each thing you do...