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Hello team,

The recent post where I shared my experience with Staking PYTH has generated a lot of interest and questions. 

To address your concerns and guide you on how to do it safely, I've created a video. It's a bit unpolished, but it gets the message across effectively. Here's the video for your reference.

Rem staking comes with risks, I just share what I do.  For this reason I only staked half but it will expose me to staking rewards, Pyth Airdrop and some other airdrops potentially. 


Patreon Exclusive: How to Stake PYTH Tokens on Pyth.Network

#Pyth #HowToStake



Does anyone know, when you connect a second wallet, can that just be by setting up a separate account with the phantom wallet? Or does it have to be something totally different?


Hello there I staked ~1200 pyth. Anyone knows how long to stake in order to get rewards?


I had the same question to myself. I googled it and it looks like you open a second account within the phantom wallet and transfer tokens to it. At lease that is what I did. Hope that helps.