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Layer 1 Layer 2 Full-Time Developer Report

 $ETH $ATOM $DOT $SOL $BTC in that order




James, previous $ATOM dev here. Kindly, the dev count for ATOM is misleading. There are surely not 500 devs working on the cosmos hub, it’s more like 10-20. You’re likely looking at developers using the cosmos sdk. INJ, TIA, RUNE, etc. these chains are completely sovereign to ATOM!


$ATOM Holdr here...You make a very good point. That is the knock that the chain has. The more I learn the more I realize that It's just a template blockchain with the SDK to create your own blockchain. It's crazy how there's 5 coins in the top 50 built of Cosmos(BSC,TIA,ING,CRO,SEI). I've been going back and forth to swap for SOL b/c of this. They have to breathe new life into Cosmos Hub. How off am I?


just got free wen https://lfg.jup.ag/


Me too, got airdrop. Only then i’ve read that i could wait for 29 jan😅 could not wait for my first airdrop🥳