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The CIFR sale at 2.56 could have been bought back at 2.20 yesterday - but alas I did not. 

Instead I doubled down adding 60% to my CLSK portfolio this week. 

Less is more. 

I will wait for CIFR selling to be done but meanwhile looks like a bit of a short squeeze. 

Re MSTR - I still hold all my position and despite FUD will continue to hold for now. 

Re BTC- yes the Grayscale selling has slowed down as expected.  We are thru the worst again, despite what you may read out there. 




I entered CIFR $3 SL for .25 credit - so, my breakeven is $2.75 with expiration 1/17/2025. Thank you, James - you lessons are invaluable


Glad to see miners and microstrategy are coming back.