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The richest 10% own about 65% of all the money and valuable things, but they only have about 8% of the total debt. 

On the other hand, the other 90% of people have 92% of all the debt but only 35% of the money and valuable things. 

What is worse, the bottom 50% own 56% of the debt and only 5.8% of the wealth!!!! This is truly tragic. 

This big difference in who has money and who owes money is a tricky situation for politicians in countries where people vote. Politicians often try really hard to help the rich get richer, but they also need votes from the majority of people who aren't as rich. So, when prices start going up (inflation), it becomes a big issue for them.




If anyone is interested, I was able to pay down all my consumer loans & cc debt with help from www.bkfuniversity.com financial literacy ebooks. They're very cheap and was extremely helpful for me!! Brass Knuckle Finance and This Is Why You're Broke are great to start with.


It's Trickle Down Economics! Minus the trickle part.