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This Thursday, Hans Nelson, a man with a passion for everything AI and Tesla, will make an appearance on my YouTube channel.

Hans has a unique ability to break down complex topics into easily digestible tidbits. He's like the Elon Musk whisperer, translating the world of tech into a language we can all understand. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, Hans keeps us hooked on the latest developments in AI and Tesla. 

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Do you believe the Yemeni Hoothi group causing issues in the red sea will continue to impact Tesla prodution rates through Q1 2024?? And if ut does continue.. what does Tesla do to ramp production back up?


If the rest of the world cannot figure out how to make EVs for a profit, will this lead to a shift to other types of energy sources for cars and leave Tesla the only producer of a profitable EV cars? Also how would this affect the long term EV car market? Thanks!


EVs are not getting adopted because people far lack of mileage with charging, why does tesla think it can be successful