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Includes a few minor updates if you wanna make a copy had file make a copy for yourself or save this as a Favorites this will be the master that we update as things change. 

You will also notice a tweak to the new cell avg cost per BTC - thanks Rich!


MSTR Arbitrage Calculator Patreon Jan 20, 2024

Microstrategy Arb Calculator ,1972304880 Bitcoin PROFIT for MSTR,$1,972,304,880,1 BTC in MSTR =,72.28585778,SHARES,$34,769.50,2500 MSTR,$481.00,Note: Sometimes real time quotes are delayed from Yahoo and or Google by 15 mins, Pls do not change formulae - IA,Buying 1 share of MSTR means you buy,...


Greg Jones

I calculated the ibit discount at -34%. Would it be possible to arb between MSTR and ibit? If so how would one adjust the arb cloud model?


Wow. It’s so undervalued. The amount of people that don’t understand math is startling, but those that do will make bank.


Is there a way to p[lot a graph of the discount/premium of MSTR over time please?