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Summary of InvestAnswer's Posts 12 -14 January 2024 📈 

Thanks Josh for pulling this all together. 

Bitcoin ETF:

ETF issuers, such as Blackrock, strategically sell shares when BTC is priced at $47,000 and then tactically acquire BTC at $43,500, showcasing the intricacies of the ETF arbitrage. Notably, ETF issuers likely receive inflows and strategically wait until the BTC price experiences a dip before allocating funds in a T + 2 format. IA sees this with the 2 or more delay between receiving cash and landing Bitcoin. 


Blackrock executed BTC purchases last night and this morning utilizing the cash received on Thursday.


IA perceives the recent BTC pullback as an opportune day, providing him with another chance to acquire BTC below $42,000 and SOL at $88.

Portfolio Update:

IA provides a comprehensive update on his pure crypto holdings, predominantly consisting of BTC and SOL.  SOLALTS are growing fast.  DATE JAN 12th

IA's Crypto Journey:

In 2017, IA exclusively held BTC. In March 2020, he diversified by acquiring all his ETH in a single day, and in March 2021, IA invested in SOL as he wanted to hedge his ETH and after a long research study and advent of Crypto Compendium, he perceived SOL as the ETH killer in March 2021. As of January 2024, IA is embracing a more daring approach, venturing into "degen" SOLALTs tokens.  He is comparing them to ETH Analogs from the previous bull run and sees upside. 


MSTR is noted to exhibit varying market caps across different platforms. IA attributes this phenomenon to the potential calculation of MSTR's market cap, incorporating its convertible debt.

SOLALT Nosana:

IA's NOS bag now mirrors the size of his RENDER bag.

Tesla is a Total Sleeper:

IA perceives Tesla as a sleeper, growing more bullish each day. He holds no reservations about accumulating more, believing it will soon experience a significant uptrend. Much like SOL in 2023, Tesla is not fully understood by many. He maintains there is no company like it. 


IA expanded his portfolio by acquiring more BTC, TSLA, CLSK, and NOS.


IA attributes some of MSTR’s recent price fluctuations to Michael Saylor's stock sales and ETF launch - a perfect storm. He emphasizes that the current discount on MSTR shares won't be perpetual. Additionally, IA points out that the BTC ETF fees act as a reverse discount, whereas MSTR incurs no fees.

Solana Airdrop Tracker:

IA shares a comprehensive Solana Airdrop Tracker 

Portfolio Update:

IA provides an update on his cryptocurrency holdings, revealing a greater allocation to SOL than BTC. He notes the rapid growth of his SOL alt portfolio skewing his allocations.  


IA acquires FLUXB and articulates multiple reasons supporting his decision, describing it as a rare find after scrolling thru thousands of Alts. IA plans to hold this position for a year. He may pair trade it on spikes. 

Future Enthusiasm:

As a traditional finance professional, IA expresses amazement at the transparency and speed of the SOL ecosystem. He anticipates the unfolding of this excitement in the future, emphasizing the unique capabilities of SOL compared to other chains like ETH, ADA, and AVAX.

Trading and Investing Motley Fool:

IA explicitly disapproves of Motley Fool, considering it the least valuable research material one could read.



Thanks Josh and James True. Motley Fool peddles and pumps Dividend paying stocks with their clickbaits article titles.


Is it time to flip ETH for SOL or ride it until there's a ETH ETF?


Is FluxB full name Fluxbot?