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Fascinating chart.

Data compares per capita financial assets in euros, highlighting German preference for cash/savings over other investments.

it is hard to see the grey which is CASH - Yellow is stocks etc - Germands tend to be conservative and prefer holding cash over investing which means their assets per capita are smaller

The Title "The Germans rely too much on the savings book" suggests a conservative investment approach. The chart shows amt of savings per capital across all assets.  The Grey is cash.

Other countries have more diversified portfolios with higher investments in securities and pensions. Also bigger bags!!!

NET NET: Holding large proportions of cash means you miss out on gains in the markets. To make matters worse, FIAT is a melting ice cube!!!

Sources: Allianz, OECD, Deutsche Bundesbank; published by the German Equity Institute to indicate Germany's conservative investment trend.

h/t to Sanjay for sharing




would be interested to see how Japanese people rank on this same measure.


has anyone done the solana givaway , from the scan code on television . what are the limitations , is it safe ??