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Slaying the FUD! The REAL status of Bitcoin Spot ETFs, uncover essential BTC data, and find out why the 9th is a game-changer. Plus, a head-to-head comparison: BTC vs SPX vs Gold, in the arena of Macro Debt & Interest.

Live at 12:30pm Pacific: https://youtube.com/live/UHFlNj0h6MM


💪HODL Strong/ Embrace the 🐻/Buy the Dip🚀!

#Bitcoin #Blackrock #SEC #FUD #Liquidations #Macro #Gold $SPX #Data #WhyBitcoin



Interested to know. When would you potentially see the market top in BTC this year. Around halving or late 2024? If ratecuts in march/may historically that’s when the drop starts. So that would leave us with a short rally from now, is that it? If the hard landing narrative is true and we see a massive recession BTC must follow?


And davinci see the ETF news as clear sell in upcoming days. Why is that?


"SHOULD I BUY" sei?? 🤔


I'm hearing lots of good things about it, so I've been DCA into over the last couple of weeks


What is the current Wallet that James recommends we use? Thanks