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Hi Team

Four trading days back, I sold the $700 calls on MSTR, and people thought I was out of my mind to do this before the spot etf announcement. They couldn't comprehend my reasoning and considered it a foolish move. 

However, as usual, the arb model, the options pricing and the IADDS mean reversion chart were perfect. 

I sold the $700 calls on MSTR 4 trading days ago. 

Today's FUD was my trigger to buy them back

I bought these calls back today in the $24 and $25 range pocketing $18 credit. PS $18 pays for my initial capital outlay for nearly 67% of my SL's on MSTR.  Basically I am playing with the tables money. 

Note also I telegraphed my game plan. I am still bullish on the Spot ETF.....but the pricing of these calls was NUTS :D




Why is MSTR better than GBTC? Is it just the fees of GBTC? Thank you


excellent job Señor James gracias


these mining companys have so much bitcoin, that when bitcoins price goes up, these mining stocks yield so much because of their massive holdings that you will theoretically profit a ton more than owning bitcoin itself!!