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Chart is Options data for Bitcoin and its potential impact on the approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF. The post mentions that the highest implied volatility (IV) is for the option expiring on January 12, 2024. This suggests that institutional investors are anticipating significant price movements BEFORE that date.

Implied volatility is a measure of the market's expectation of future price fluctuations in an underlying asset, in this case, Bitcoin. High implied volatility indicates that investors expect larger price swings, which could be due to various factors such as market uncertainty, news events, or regulatory decisions.

The fact that the highest implied volatility is for the option expiring on January 12, 2024, suggests that institutional investors believe that the second week of 2024 will be a critical time for the approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF. This is because the approval or rejection of a Bitcoin spot ETF could have a significant impact on the price of Bitcoin, and the high implied volatility reflects the uncertainty surrounding this event.

h/t to Sanjay for the image




Thanks for pushing for YouTube to stop the AI scams James!. Seems like 50% of videos in the crypto community are targeted. Yours and many more people that I follow daily. I was at first annoyed. But now I think it is more sinister than some random scam or criminal. I suspect that behind the scenes powerful actors are actually wanting this so that people are hurt and turned off while they pocket the coins. Double win. It is too good and smooth and YT is turning a blind eye every time. Not a coincidence and very scary. All we can do is get the word out to newbies.


What does the on chain data say? Who is stacking right now (besides us)? I assume the big players / people in the know.


Jsmes so grateful for your data driven input and read on the market. Just joined but watched you for a while. Appreciate the opportunities your bring forward. Here's to the coming year everyone!