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First of all, I am a big fan of Ray Dalio.  

His quote emphasizes the importance of logic, reason, and common sense.

It suggests these three are key tools for understanding and interpreting reality and esp investing. 

Real Simple team - in order to make informed decisions, one must synthesize information logically and rationally. That is why I rely on data and spend all my time and the teams time building models. Helps us navigate the market so effectively.

There is no room for emotions. Just data driven decisions. 




Amen to that! And to expand on it a bit, learn what's happening from sources that state what's happening. Avoid at all costs any sources that tell you what to think about what's happening. That's not news, it's propaganda, guaranteed.


It is also well to put out even with our own strong believes sometimes we doubt ourself and wonder can I be wrong but what I notice that I begin to feel fearful and doubtful but I realize that is the effect that people are trying to do when the spread FUD