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This one went against me when I bought in at $40. 

Unlike Enphase I did not double tap (double down) as it did not fall far enough. 

Glad to see it back. 

As you can see from ATR model... a long way to go potentially. 




James is Enphase still a buy at $135 ? NFA


Hey! Any thoughts on SEI? Seeing rumbles on X about it from a lot of SOL holders and Maxis, just wondering what your thoughts are, some are saying it's the Sol of this cycle. It makes a lot of nice promises (like all tokens) so j/w if you've taken a peek at all.


Sei did scam on airdrop. IA said name copied from sui and logo copied from aptos..never looked into after...I know that have big guys backing but scam is scam


His first purchase was at 120 before it dipped so I don’t see why not.