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Furstrated with Pyth

I just converted half my Pyth into Raydium

For every Ray it cost me about 2.9 PYTH

THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT - My Goals are not your goals.

Like ORCA, I see $RAY Raydium as very undervalued.



going through my various exchange wallets .. tja I’ve got some RAY after all .. thank you James for the heads up on 10th of December “I bought some RAY at $0.66 for USDC I also placed a limit swap order for Raydium for SOL. I am using Jup.AG”


Hi, does anyone know if we can buy Jupiter coins already? I see Jupiter perps LP but they have a strange price chart. Thx 😊


James what you provide here for this community is incredible. Thank you for everything. I’m a noob and can’t understand half the things here but learning every day on the way with you.