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To help prevent falling victim to tech support scams, here are three rules to follow:

  1. Do Not Provide Personal Information or Payment: Legitimate tech support teams will never call you unsolicited to request personal information or payment. If you receive an unexpected call or message claiming to be from tech support, be wary. Do not provide any personal information or make any payments.
  2. Verify the Source: If you are contacted by someone claiming to be from a company's tech support, verify their identity by contacting the company directly through official channels. Use the contact information provided on the company's official website or your product documentation, not the contact details given by the person who contacted you.
  3. Use Reliable Security Software: Protect your devices with reputable security software, which can help prevent unauthorized access to your computer. Regularly update your software, including your operating system and antivirus programs, to protect against the latest threats.

Additionally, always keep backups of your important data, and educate yourself on the latest types of scams and how to recognize them.




Can you make post about recent emails from FTXDigital@restructuring.pwc.co.uk telling people to submit a claim at https://digitalmarketsclaim.pwc.com? Is that legitimate?


As James keeps saying, good OPSEC is important. If you are an Apple lap/top/desktop user you can install multiple copies of MacOS (for free) on the same device by partitioning the disk. I do all my financial work/connecting to savings/banks/pension websites on a dedicated install and everything else on another install. Each in disk-level encrypted. This is all free and all you do is hold down left-ALT upon boot. As another patron mention, always use an intermediate wallet when interacting with web3 or if you really want/need to keep token keys on your hardware wallet that aren't natively supported, purchase a separate hardware wallet for just this purpose. Also, security through obscurity is still a valid tool! Don't talk about your crypto holdings and successes in public places where you may be overheard. Home invasion of known crypto holders is on the rise - but you're less likely to be a target if keep it quiet.