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Interesting piece from JPM.  Now if ETH outperforms BTC (which I always felt was the case) imagine what SOL will do?

Anyhow here are some details:

Potential impact on Ethereum (ETH):

  1. JPMorgan's Prediction on Ethereum vs. Bitcoin: JPMorgan, a major investment bank, predicts that Ethereum (ETH) will likely outperform Bitcoin (BTC) in the year 2024. This is attributed to Ethereum's anticipated EIP-4844 upgrade. Outperforming in this context likely means that ETH will see greater price appreciation or adoption rates compared to BTC.
  2. Ethereum's EIP-4844 Upgrade: EIP stands for Ethereum Improvement Proposal, and these are changes or upgrades proposed to the Ethereum network. 
  3. Features of the Upgrade: The upgrade is said to introduce "Proto-Danksharding," which is expected to improve network efficiency by increasing transaction throughput and reducing fees. This could be particularly beneficial for Layer 2 networks like Arbitrum and Optimism, which are built on top of Ethereum's main blockchain to increase its capacity and speed.




Thought their boss said crypto is a scam! Why even border to comment about it then?


Didnt JP threaten to fire anyone who buys crypto? Lol Now they are advising? Oh they must not be reading Sen Warren copy. 😂