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Welcoming special guest, Mert Mumtaz! Today we'll answer the community's top questions for Mert, including the Future of Crypto in the Commonwealth, the Rise of Solana, the Battle of L1s & L2s and more.

Live at 12:00pm Pacific: https://youtube.com/live/2BGWsZfhYmM


🎙️Mert Unleashed: Exploring the Consensus Trade!🚀

#Crypto #Bitcoin #Solana #ConsensusTrade #ETH #SolKillers



Congrats on the 1000, pretty sure I’ve seen every video. I remember coming across the channel when I first got into crypto & I’m sure there was only about 15 videos at the time so I went back & watched the channel from the start. Amazing, thanks James.


Wow.. I learned a lot and have a ton still to learn. Ty for getting this interview