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Car companies outsource everything.  

Tesla design and build most important elements themselves

Tesla Dojo Supercomputer Tile — Smart and Beautiful  

This one tile can do 9 quadrillion floating point calculations per second,  optimized for AI training.

Each 15kW tile holds a 5x5 array of blocks, each with 12 D1 multi-chip-module stacks, with RF shielding between them. These are custom AI chips by Tesla, with 362 teraFLOPS per block.  Connectors around the perimeter provide 36Tb/s of inter-tile bandwidth. 

The Dojo ExaPod supercomputer has 120 of these tiles, for 1.1 exaFLOPS of AI-optimized compute. 

h/t to Sanjay for sharing




Just a step. Telsa will surely have a more power version of this next year. I would love to know how this stacks up against the competitors and speeds of doing different tasks. That would be a bit technical of course.


I once got sacked from a major IT company for answering a multiple choice exam 'wrong' during training. One question was "What are CPUs measured in?". I selected 'Hz', as this is the SI unit of frequency. They said the correct answer is MHz. I said..."one day we will have GHz CPUs" , they laughed, told me I was wrong and showed me the door. Now look at what's coming, it's incredible!