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Stunning increase in wealth for the top 0.1%


  1. Collective Wealth Increase of Richest Families: The world’s richest families have collectively become $1.5 trillion wealthier since last year.
  2. Gains by the House of Hermès: The dynasty behind luxury brand Hermès added $56 billion to their fortune, becoming the world’s third-richest family.
  3. Dynastic Wealth Management Strategy: The most successful families have focused on generational milestones rather than short-term gains, contributing to their enduring wealth and prosperity. Imagine if they Bought Bitcoin!!!! 

Some Notables

  1. Global Dynasty Wealth Increase: The wealth of global dynasties soared by 43% in the last year.
  2. House of Nahyan's Fortune: The Al Nahyans of Abu Dhabi have a fortune of $305 billion, placing them at the top of Bloomberg’s annual ranking of family fortunes.
  3. Comparison with the Waltons: The Al Nahyans' fortune surpasses the Waltons of Walmart Inc. by $45 billion.
  4. Wealth of the Al Thanis: The Al Thanis, the royal family of Qatar, are ranked No. 5 in the list.
  5. Petro-Fortunes Impact: The three Gulf families on the ranking, including the Al Nahyans and the Al Thanis, are likely far richer than these conservative estimates suggest.




There are people in the world making less than a dollar a day. And probably looking at you feeling the same way


damn so much greed for what? Aren't we the same after all?