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They claim 4 reasons - my dirty summary is as follows:

Standard Chartered's Prediction: Standard Chartered forecasts that Bitcoin will reach a price of $100,000 by the end of 2024, reflecting a highly optimistic outlook on the cryptocurrency's future.

Bitcoin's Price Trend: Bitcoin has experienced a consistent rise in its price over several months, recovering from a challenging year in 2022. This growth is attributed in part to the influence of the first approved Spot Bitcoin ETF in the United States.

Bitcoin's Market Dominance: As of April, Bitcoin's share of the digital asset market cap reached 50%. The bank's head of FX Research, Geoff Kendrick, suggests that the increasing overall market cap of digital assets will be a more significant driver of Bitcoin's price growth than its continued dominance in the crypto space.

Changes in Bitcoin Mining and Halving Event: There has been a significant decline in the sales of mined Bitcoin, with a nearly 80% fall in Q4. Additionally, the upcoming Bitcoin halving event, which reduces the number of tokens received from mining, is expected to have a substantial impact on Bitcoin's price, potentially leading to exponential growth amid positive sentiment and performance in the market.




indeed... we wait and see


Let’s gooo