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Tesla CEO Elon Musk has said that he believes Tesla could reach a market capitalization of $4 trillion in the future. This would mean that Tesla's stock price would need to reach $1,264 per share, assuming the company's outstanding share count remains the same.

This is a bold prediction, but it is certainly possible if Tesla continues to grow at its current pace. The company is already the world's leading electric vehicle maker, and it is also expanding into other markets, such as solar energy, battery storage, FSD and ROBOTS.

When Tesla reaches a market capitalization of $4 trillion, it will be the most valuable company on Earth. 




4 trillion adjusted for inflation is still some decent upside. There is no company on earth worth that atm.


Are we looking at any other coins to place less than .5-1% of our portfolios? Once my three legged stool bags are filled - I would like to play with little $100-$200 bags for fun speculation?


Liquid staking for sol on marinade finance. That’s mine. I think it could be a quick flip for a few extra dollars.