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Hey Team

Quick note and NFA of course 

as you know in Aug I started harvesting cash - expecting a nasty Sept which did not happen...Since then I have been layering in.  This week I blew it all and even had to sell GOOG to fund my CLSK and TSLA purchases.

Now begins the process of harvesting again but I am mostly deployed.



Feels so much bad news to come, i could write pages about how bad things are about to get, why all in now? Or is that the point, i am the market again, lol.


Good info.


Welcome to the club James! ...... the I just bought a schwack of Tesla club!!! (Wich you probably founded)


I have only just go started with TSLA ...


Still have cash, I was expecting TSLA to go to $205, but after the `2 standard deviations from the mean on Friday, I will be jumping in tomorrow. I already deployed as much as I need in CLSK at $3.49 ($1.28 LEAP call/put) a week ago. God bless all


In July I had almost 20% in cash. Yesterday I was selling NVDA and DXCM to buy more TSLA. My major position is still MSTR. Best to all.


New here. What is NFA?


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