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Hey team,

Scammers are on the rise. If you see someone using my photo and name in DMs or Discord invites, FB, IG, Telegram, Twitter etc it's NOT ME.  I don't have time - I don't even read my text messages or emails. How would I have time to DM someone one on one????


  • I will never DM you
  • I will never ask you for anything

2 people today asked me did I reach out.

For Discord users, consider only allowing messages from mutual servers to minimize spam. Adjust this in your settings.

Remember: Scammers are everywhere on social media. I won't message you on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram (I don't use it) or via email. Stay safe! 👁️🔒




Oh what a community!🫶


James is always looking out for us. Freakin scammers can go eat rocks.


I knew it could not be you James, due to the horrid spelling.


We have people with legit accounts that are trolling the discord and attempting to contact people with a fake james.