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This will upset NATO - stock market has not reacted yet. Thanks Nick for sharing. 


We will monitor closely. Retaliation could cause markets to fall


'Russian bombs' kill two in POLAND

Two people have been killed in Poland after explosions hit a farm near the border with Ukraine in what is suspected to be a Russian missile attack. A pair of blasts are reported to have rang out in Przewodów, a rural village located less than ten miles from the Ukrainian border in south western Poland, according to senior U.S.



It was a missile fired by the Ukrainians which killed the Polish farmers - not Russian. James please try to stop jumping to conclusions. Its this type of irresponsible speculation that could start WW3. https://korybko.substack.com/p/ukraine-tried-to-trick-nato-into


James didn't jump to conclusions, he merely posting the latest information from well known news sources, nothing made up here. Also, I doubt James or anyone else here has access to nuclear codes or their finger on the big red button.